
Your Brand Can Be the Deciding Factor

In a copy cat society your brand can be the deciding factor between someone purchasing your product and services or going with someone else. With the evolution of the internet and consumers becoming more and more informed about products your brand or image is key. 

Now more than ever it is important to tell the story of your brand. Where you came from, where your going, and what your values are. These are the things that a majority of people are looking to know. It is no longer about just having the right product you have to have a brand that people know and people trust. For some companies they spend millions on research and focus grouping. But what about the small businesses who are just starting out? It’s important to understand about how to protect your brand. 

Your brand needs to reflect the soul of the business. A bad brand can cause your audience to be disconnected from your product or service. Your brand is more than just your logo and your business card – your brand gets shaped by every interaction your customer has with your company.

Below is 5 things that make up or affect your brand. While there are thousands of factors the five below are some of the most basic factors to think about when building your brand. 

What makes up your brand: 

  1. Your product
  2. Your logo
  3. Your services
  4. Your customer service
  5. Social media interactions


Knowing those 5 core things that make up your brand you need to think about how to protect your brand. Check out this link below of a podcast from Tim Calkins – resident Super Bowl ad expert, author and clinical professor of Marketing at Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.

Click here to check out the podcast from Tim Calkins



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